Well, it seems that we have had a great influx of new members on the facebook page as of the last few days so I thought I would take a moment to welcome everyone to the group and let you all know how much fun it is to provide the show for you. I have never imagined that at 53 I would become an audio engineer, web page designer and on air talent. I can honestly say that all the money my Dad spent to send me to school for a fine arts Drama degree is finally paying off. At least in enjoyment terms. Notice down below, at the bottom of the page , here is a great offer for Advantage flea products from our wonderful sponsor Petsmart. As for Amazon, they require a bit more content on the site, so here I am posting. Hopefully they will be back as a sponsor very soon. I am working on next weeks show outline so if there is anything special you want to cover this week please let me know. Thanks again for the support.